Collaboration Agreement of the CLARIN-D Consortium Partners
The original collaboration agreement of the CLARIN-D consortium partners is available in German only. This summary is not legally binding.
The agreement specifies that the partners work in trusting collaboration and are committed to working together to achieve their set goals. For coordination, a steering group has been established, chaired by the scientific coordinator.
The coordinator's task is to coordinate the project and contribute to the information exchange among partners, as well as represent CLARIN-D on the European level. Each partner remains responsible for the work packages assigned to them in the funding application. The partners keep each other informed about research results, experiences, and knowledge gained, provide access to the resources created within CLARIN-D, and assist each other if needed. The intellectual property rights to the results belong to all partners who were involved in achieving them and each partner can freely utilize them. All inventions and results are made accessible to the remaining partners after the funding comes to an end. Potential costs for the use of inventions and developments for third parties may not be lower than the costs for the partners. Licenses can be provided to partners not being involved in the project as well as to suppliers. Commercial use is only permitted in consent with all partners. Consortium partners are free to publish their research results.
The contract is signed by all partners.